Git Tutorials

Instructional Training Videos


Git Tutorials

Jump in and learn Git based on your knowledge level. These beginner, intermediate, and advanced Git tutorials break down concepts into short videos that will teach you the concept and then walk through an example of how to apply it.

Beginner Git Tutorials

Git repository overview

What is a Git repository?

Learn how to initialize Git on a project to create a new Git repo and what happens when you delete a Git repository.

Git commit

What is a Git commit?

Learn what a Git commit is and how commits work to visualize the history of your Git repository, and see how committing fits into a typical Git workflow.

git commit in the CLI

How to Git Commit

Learn how to perform the git commit command, including how to add a Git commit message, how to amend a commit, and how to revert a commit with GitKraken.

Remote repository in a cloud

What is a Git remote?

Learn what a Git remote is, how to clone a Git remote to collaborate with team members, and how to add a remote to your project in Git.

Git branch

How to Git Branch

Watch this beginner Git tutorial video to learn more about branching in Git, how to delete a Git branch, how to create & rename a Git branch, & switch a Git branch.

Git branch creation in the CLI

How to Create a Git Branch

Watch this beginner Git tutorial video to learn how to create a Git branch. See how to create a branch and checkout the new branch using the same command.

Deleting a Git branch in the cli

How to Delete a Git Branch

Watch this beginner Git tutorial video to learn how to delete a branch. See commands for how to delete a Git branch locally and how to delete a remote branch.

renaming a git branch in the CLI

How to Rename a Git Branch

Watch this beginner Git tutorial video to learn how to rename a Git branch. Learn how to rename a Git branch locally and how to rename a remote branch.

SSH tunnel between a computer and a server

How Git SSH Works

How does Secure Shell work in Git? What are SSH keys? Learn how to use an SSH agent to communicate with an SSH server on your computer’s behalf.

Git diff side by side example

How Git Diff Works

What are Git diffs? Learn how to view the diff between multiple commits, how to view the diff between multiple branches, and how diff text works in Git.

What is Git Checkout?

Learn more about this action and how to checkout branches, commits, and tags, then see an example of using Git checkout in GitKraken and the command line.

What is Git Pull?

This beginner Git tutorial video will teach you what the Git pull command is, and will walk you through an example of how to perform a Git pull, including how to pull changes from a remote branch to update your local copy of the repo.

Intermediate Git Tutorials

How to Git Merge

Learn how to use the Git merge command to combine changes from one branch to another branch in the command line, and see how to resolve a Git merge conflict with GitKraken.

git stash example shown with file folders

How to Git Stash

What is stashing in Git? How do you create a Git stash? How do you apply a Git stash? How do you pop a Git stash? Learn how to stash file changes in Git.

Git hooks folder inside the .git folder

How to Create Git Hooks

What are Git hooks? How do you access your .git/hooks folder? Learn how to set up Git hooks to run shell scripts that trigger after Git actions are performed.

git squash shown with the graph in GitKraken

How to Git Squash

How does Git squash work? Can you squash 2 commits? Learn how to use this command to squash commits in Git to clean up your repo history.

pull request shown between three file folders

What is a Pull Request in Git?

What is a pull request? What is a pull request in GitHub? Learn how pull requests work in Git and see an example of opening a pull request in GitHub.

Git cherry pick in action with a cherry icon

How to Git Cherry Pick

Watch this intermediate Git tutorial video to learn how to cherry pick a commit, and see an example of cherry picking in the GitKraken Git GUI.

Git rebase graph

What is Git Rebase?

Learn how to perform the git rebase command to apply changes from one branch onto another branch in the command line, and then compare the experience in GitKraken.

Advanced Git Tutorials

merge conflict between two files

How to Resolve a Merge Conflict in Git

What is a merge conflict? How do you resolve merge conflicts in Git? Learn when a merge conflict in Git will occur and how to resolve them.

Large File system shown with many files with large sizes

What is Git LFS?

What is Git LFS? How do you install Git LFS? Learn how to use Git LFS to save space in your remote repository when working with binary files in Git.

Git submodule shown with folders

What is a Git Submodule?

How do you work with Git submodules? How do you add a Git submodule? Learn how to add a Git submodule and how to pull changes to your main project.

Additional Resources

Make Git Easier, Safer &
More Powerful

with GitKraken

Visual Studio Code is required to install GitLens.

Don’t have Visual Studio Code? Get it now.

Team Collaboration Services

Secure cloud-backed services that span across all products in the DevEx platform to keep your workflows connected across projects, repos, and team members
Launchpad – All your PRs, issues, & tasks in one spot to kick off a focused, unblocked day. Code Suggest – Real code suggestions anywhere in your project, as simple as in Google Docs. Cloud Patches – Speed up PR reviews by enabling early collaboration on work-in-progress. Workspaces – Group & sync repos to simplify multi-repo actions, & get new devs coding faster. DORA Insights – Data-driven code insights to track & improve development velocity. Security & Admin – Easily set up SSO, manage access, & streamline IdP integrations.
winget install gitkraken.cli